"Our Home" Online Tutoring Web Supports Home Learning Activities During the Pandemic


  • nanikeka nanik almaata


Online tutoring, Access, Design


At this time the world is being hit by the Covid-19 virus pandemic, where this virus is very dangerous for humans. This has caused the Government of Indonesia to take a policy to limit the movement of people by implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This eventually has an impact on almost all sectors including the education sector, where education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process and until now the government's policy on limiting activities in the school environment is still enforced. So that teachers really need to innovate to create an effective learning climate to do during online teaching and learning activities, because of the ability to adapt to the times and the surrounding environment to develop themselves in their activities of carrying out teaching in schools. The development of information technology is growing very rapidly in various software to modern hardware. Along with the development of technology that helps aspects of life function to facilitate human activities such as accessing tutoring with hardware connected to the internet and entering the intended website page so that activities to explore the contents of the website become easier and more efficient. This study aims to build the Our Home tutoring website through online media and this website was developed using the PHP programming language, MySQL database, CSS, JavaScript, and Visual Studio Code and many other design editing support elements as media editors using System Development Life Cycle. The SDLC method uses a systems approach called the waterfall approach. This website makes it easier for prospective students to register for tutoring because it is enough to be connected to the internet, and registration can be done anywhere and anytime.




How to Cite

nanik, nanikeka. (2024). "Our Home" Online Tutoring Web Supports Home Learning Activities During the Pandemic. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi Informasi, 2(2), 51–65. Retrieved from https://journal-siti.org/index.php/siti/article/view/203